
Soy de la opinión de que todas las personas somos esencialmente creativas y tenemos el derecho a descubrir el arte y dar brillo a nuestras vidas con el goce y diversión que producen el realizar una actividad artística, sin tener que ser necesariamente profesionales en ello. Por esta razón, aparte de mi obra personal, organizo actividades y talleres encaminados a desarrollar la creatividad y practicar alguna modalidad de arte. Entre otros, trabajo con empresas para desarrollar una identidad artística corporativa, promover un mejor ambiente de trabajo y mejores relaciones entre sus empleados. Organizo actividades concretas para grupos específicos así como talleres de dibujo y pintura y eventos puramente lúdicos para ocasiones especiales como por ejemplo la creación de murales y esculturas en grupo.


My view is that everyone is creative and has the right to discover and enhance their lives with the fun and joy that doing an artistic activity produces, without having to be a professional in the arts. So, apart from my personal work, I organize activities and workshops that aim to develop creativity and apply art in different ways. Among these, I work with companies to develop a corporate artistic identity and promote a better atmosphere and relationships between employees; I organize artistic activities for specific groups; painting and drawing lesson and fun events for special occasions, like for example group murals and sculptures.

María Gloria Andrade

"Born in Ecuador, Maria Gloria Andrade studied at the Facultad de Artes: Universidad Central del Ecuador, Saint Martin’s School of Art: London and the Art Institute of Chicago, before settling in Spain."

"Her work, a celebration of life, delves in unusual themes and explores the use of often disregarded materials that have exhausted their original purpose. Employing a wide array of media such as painting, drawing, sculpture, installations and artist’s books, she achieves original, playful, and uplifting works that foster new connections and exemplify creativity."

María Gloria Andrade Artista Visual


(+34) 630938571

Madrid, España.